i’ve been [not-so] subtly mentioning it for a couple of weeks now, and the day is finally here! it’s my birthday. it’s pink sugar’s birthday. and there’s a ginormous two day sale for my lovely clients and clients-to-be. yippeeee!
because i’m turning twenty five today. because pink sugar is turning two today. because spring makes me happy and i want to spread some of that happiness around. because i love my clients. because i can.
all digital portrait collections are twenty five (yes you read that right… twenty five!) percent off today and tomorrow (two years = two day sale)! that’s a savings of anywhere between two hundred-ish and nine hundred-ish dollars!
any of my portrait clients who have a session booked in 2009. any of my wedding clients for 2009 and 2010 who’d like to get hooked up with some goodies from their engagement sessions. any clients-to-be who finalize their 2009 session booking with me when i get back from europe. and at mark’s urging, also any past clients who’d like to get their hands on their digital files.
easy as pie. send an email to andrea@pinksugarphotography.com today (may 4th 2009) or tomorrow (may 5th 2009) and mention this sale. i will get back to you with all the pertinent info as soon as i return home from vacation next week.
and because i can’t bring myself to post without adding a photo of some sort, here are a couple of vacation snaps from last week in the south of france!
may the fourth be with you 😉
xox, andrea