your storythere is magic inpure magic


so crazy to think that there’s a good chance october may have been our last full month as a family of three. in addition to regular day to day life and the wrapping up of my shooting season, the month was full to the brim with birthday parties, a bunch of halloween events and preparing for baby brother or sister’s arrival.

we finally got a start on baby’s new room (formerly my office) in october which was a huge relief. i was starting to get a wee bit stressed out by the fact that nothing had begun in there and with no sign of the basement renovations being finished any time soon, it was time for plan b. we moved my office temporarily into our bonus room and lila and mark got to work assembling a few pieces of furniture. lila is super excited to be a big sister and is really into being a good helper these days (fingers crossed this lasts once babe arrives!), so getting to help with building was a big thrill for her.


we also did lots of crafting (as seen in the halloween post), with lila’s favourite task being gluing the googly eyes on all of the mummy jars.


in addition to her robot ballerina trick-or-treating costume, lila was excited to also dress up as both a cowgirl and a flapper for various halloween, birthday and costume parties over the course of the month. i’m sure she would have added in a bunch more costumes had she the choice (and had i the time to make them!).


and because november and december tend to be so crazy busy, we decided this year to combine our playgroup halloween and birthday parties for the kiddos (who you first met here). with costumes and halloween treats, a gift exchange and a bowling outing (complete with the awesomest halloween birthday cake ever!), the day was a huge success and i’m thinking it’s going to become a new tradition around these parts 🙂


and last but not least, we spent lots of time soaking up those last bits of golden fall sunshine before winter rolls in for next few long months around here.


due to forgetfulness and the fading light (it’s dark long before mark makes it home from work most days) we missed out on getting a family photo for the blog this past month, but seeing as i cheated last month and the posted photo actually was taken in october, i think that should count for something 🙂 i may not have an image to share this month, but we three have (so far) made it in front of someone’s camera every month this year — success!

now it’s just a matter of waiting to see if we finish off november as a family of three or four! xox, andrea.





hi, i'm andrea.


i believe in celebrating the good

in every day and i feel so lucky

to get to tell the messy,

magical, authentic stories

of busy, beautiful perfectly

imperfect families like yours.

never underestimate
the value of tiny
explosions of magic
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