Category Archives: personal


thought i might as well get caught up all at once here 🙂 december started out a wee bit rough with some sort of mystery post partum infection but after a visit to emerg, one to the doctor, and a myriad of tests with no definitive results, i ended up on some antibiotics and life...


at the rate i’m going, it’ll be march before i start talking about this year 😉 november was a bit of a blur with lila’s third birthday and cole’s arrival so this monthly recap is going to be pretty quick! jumping right in… early november was spent enjoying every last minute being a family of...


we’ve had the most wonderful week celebrating. the arrival of our [growing way too quickly for me] little guy. the third birthday party of our [suddenly not so little anymore] girl. and the merriest of christmases. 🙂 i have so much to share with all of you very soon. for now though, i’m just going...

.let it snow.

five hundred cotton balls, a handful of marshmallows and one extra special little girl.   …………………………………. xox, andrea.

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