Category Archives: personal


i realize valentine’s day was over a week ago now, but i wanted to share a little piece of ours with you 🙂 …………………………………. wishing you the happiest of tuesdays, and hoping all of my fellow albertans had a very happy family day long weekend! we did 🙂 xox, andrea


february 14th is more than just valentine’s day in our family — it’s also mark’s birthday! we went out for a quick walk around the neighbourhood yesterday before dinner and birthday cake. here’s a quick little peek into an afternoon with my two favourite people. …………………………………. happy birthday mister hanki. i love you so. xox,...

.lila’s room faq.

colour inspiration: picking a colour palette was pretty easy. i found the pink dress form on lila’s dresser when she was around six months old and knew i wanted to include it somehow in her “big girl room” when she got a little older. when we moved into our new home, i painted the whole...

.lila’s room.

…………………………………. i’m not sure where to even begin talking about this space — as i mentioned in my last post, it’s been a year in the making and i just couldn’t be happier with how it has turned out. aside from that, i’ll just leave it open to you all and if there are any...


so, i’ve decided i’m going to try to share a personal post on the blog each month. this is a little scary as i’m much more comfortable blogging photos than i am words, and also because i don’t really have a plan for content or structure (i really like plans…), so i’m just going to...

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