Category Archives: personal


may is always a busy month for us and this one was no exception! among other things, we celebrated my birthday, mother’s day, our anniversary and lila’s half birthday. i’m tired just remembering it all 😉 my birthday was pretty quiet and lowkey, just the way i like it. i woke up to a shiny...

.april… and a winner!.

after one hundred and seven unique entries (i seriously loved reading every single one!) and a total of two hundred fifty one entries when all the extras were totalled up, the contest winner is the writer of the following comment (#36)*: Aww, what a great little contest, Andrea. I have many treasured family memoriesfrom you...


i can’t believe another month has passed! not only because this year has been flying by, but also because our world up here in edmonton is still completely and thoroughly snow covered. usually by now we at least are getting a peek at the grass underneath all that white… fingers crossed that the [relative] heatwave...

.lazy saturday.

how we spent our morning. …………………………………. just popping in to say hi and to share a little pink sugar update! the blog is going to be fairly slow this month as we wait out the rest of the winter and i prepare for the busy portrait and wedding seasons (which will be underway very soon)....


they say february is the month of love, and i’ve certainly been feeling that love this month! i can’t say enough how really really awesome it has been to get so much positive feedback on lila’s room and my lila was here project. so fun to stumble upon such wonderful comments and to see my...

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