spring is on the horizon and after the past year, the change of seasons will be especially welcome. we cannot wait to pull out our bikes and spread out blankets in the sunshine very soon. in the meantime though, we’re happily soaking up the last of our evenings at the ski hill and enjoying picnics at home on the living room floor!
we partnered with save on foods this month to try out their ready, set, refresh picnic bingo printables and surprising the kids with a picnic was the perfect time to photograph a little piece of our story.
because as much as i strive to document the beauty in our every day chaos, and appreciate finding little bits of magic amidst the messy, i also love making magic with the kids — creating special occasions to celebrate nothing in particular.
while i’m certainly looking forward to the warmer weather and plenty of outside time ahead, i’m always grateful for fun opportunities to connect and create a little magic with the kids and this indoor picnic was an easy way to do just that without having to wait for perfect weather.
check out my post on instagram if you’d like more details on our snacks of choice!
happy picnicking!